The Naked Bakery

Prepare to be seduced by raw goodness, as we bare all to bring you unholy delights stripped of all the bad stuff, too delicious to not be naughty! RaW * GF

Welcome to the Naked Bakery….
Prepare to be seduced by raw goodness, as we bare all to bring you unholy delights….delicacies made with ingredients to nourish you, stripped of all the bad stuff, too delicious to not be naughty.
All of our cakes are made with love and ingredients sourced from local and organic farms where possible. These cakes will not only give you a rush of pleasure, they are also super good for you! The luscious desserts will boost your health, nourish your body, indulge your senses, whet your appetite and help you maintain your gorgeous physique – totally guilt free!
Cakes can be tailor made to individual dietary requirements, although you’ll find that as they are all gluten free and vegan there should be something to suit any body! We can also design wellbeing cakes packed with special ingredients to help you indulge your way to better health.
"Go on – being naughty has never been so wickedly good!"
